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World News February 29, 2024

Xi pledges support for Chinese firms to invest in Sierra Leone

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Sierra Leonean President Julius Maada Bio held talks during Bio’s state visit to China. Xi encouraged Chinese enterprises to invest in Sierra Leone and expressed China’s commitment to work with Sierra Leone in various areas, including agriculture, infrastructure construction, and human resources development.

Xi emphasized the importance of consolidating political mutual trust, promoting pragmatic cooperation, and strengthening coordination in regional and international affairs. He expressed China’s readiness to provide assistance for Sierra Leone’s development.

Both leaders discussed strengthening cooperation in the United Nations Security Council to safeguard the interests of African countries and developing nations. Xi reiterated the significance of China-Africa ties, highlighting the importance of solidarity and cooperation with African countries.

President Bio praised China as a trustworthy and reliable friend of Sierra Leone, emphasizing the mutual respect and equal treatment between the two countries. He acknowledged China’s valuable experience in accelerating development and expressed support for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) proposed by President Xi.

Bio affirmed Sierra Leone’s commitment to the one-China principle and support for China’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and core interests. He expressed readiness to learn from China’s experience, enhance BRI cooperation, and expand collaboration in infrastructure, trade, education, and public services.

Following the talks, Xi and Bio witnessed the signing of bilateral documents on cooperation in the Belt and Road Initiative, agriculture, economic development, and the implementation of the Global Development Initiative. A joint statement was issued, highlighting the deepening of their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and their commitment to promoting world peace and development through regional and international cooperation.

Source – CGTN

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