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World News August 17, 2023

Wang Yi: China ready to expand all-round cooperation with Laos

China aims to expand comprehensive and widespread collaboration with Laos, as emphasized by Wang Yi, Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs and member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee. During a meeting with Lao Vice President Pany Yathotou at the China-South Asia Expo in Kunming, China, Wang highlighted the shared socialist ideals and strategic interests of both countries. He affirmed China’s commitment to strengthening mutual trust, supporting each other, and aligning development strategies for the benefit of both nations.


Wang expressed China’s support for Laos assuming the chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the upcoming year, expecting Laos to play a vital role in China-ASEAN cooperation. Pany Yathotou reciprocated by expressing Laos’ willingness to collaborate with China in line with the leaders’ consensus. She praised the productive results of the Belt and Road initiative, particularly the Laos-China Railway, which has brought tangible benefits to the Lao population. Laos reiterates its commitment to the one-China policy and is enthusiastic about participating in global development, security, and civilization initiatives. The two nations aim to deepen political trust and build a model for the Laos-China community of common destiny.

Source : CGTN

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