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World News August 24, 2023

The 19th century disease rickets is on the rise again in Scotland

The incidence of rickets, a skeletal disease resulting from Vitamin D deficiency and associated with poverty and malnutrition, is increasing in Scotland. In 2022, there were 442 recorded cases compared to 354 in 2018, as per data from 13 out of 14 Scottish health boards. Rickets leads to deformities like bowed legs due to insufficient exposure to sunlight and Vitamin D. Factors like a cold climate and poor diet are contributing to its rise. The disease is prevalent in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area, notably affecting impoverished communities with high child poverty rates. Similar Victorian-era diseases, such as tuberculosis and scarlet fever, are also surging in Scotland. The connection between these diseases and poverty is evident, with poor living conditions and an unhealthy diet being contributing factors.

Source: CGTN

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