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World News March 5, 2024

South Korea to start legal action against doctors over walkout

South Korea’s health minister announced that authorities will inspect hospitals and take legal action against trainee doctors who continue a walkout protesting government plans to increase medical school admissions. Approximately 70% of the country’s resident and intern doctors, about 9,000 individuals, have been on strike since February 20, leading to canceled surgeries and strained emergency departments. The government had warned of penalties, including license suspension, fines, or jail for those not returning to work by the end of last month. Health Minister Cho Kyoo-hong stated on-site inspections would be conducted, with action taken according to the law. Vice Health Minister Park Min-soo mentioned the potential suspension of licenses for around 7,000 trainee doctors who left their jobs. Some patients expressed concerns about the standoff’s impact on medical treatment and urged dialogue for a swift resolution.

Source – CGTN

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