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World News September 13, 2023

Remembering 9/11: National unity urged, war on terror questioned

On the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, Americans observed the day with moments of silence, solemn ceremonies, and calls to educate younger generations about the events. Ceremonies took place in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, where the hijacked planes struck. President Joe Biden emphasized national unity, stating that terrorism contradicts American values. He spoke from a military base in Alaska, stressing the importance of faith in one another.

The identities of two victims from the attacks were recently announced, bringing the total identified to 1,649 out of nearly 3,000 victims. However, over 1,100 victims remain unidentified. The number of first responders who have succumbed to Ground Zero-related health issues is nearly as high as those who died during the attacks.


The 9/11 attacks prompted the U.S. to launch the Afghanistan war in the name of counter-terrorism. Critics argue that the subsequent two-decade-long conflict caused immense harm to Afghanistan’s people, resulting in civilian casualties and economic devastation. The war’s toll includes over 46,000 civilian lives lost and millions displaced. Some experts, like Danny Haiphong, contend that the U.S. “war on terror” primarily served to advance American global dominance rather than effectively combat terrorism.

Source – CGTN

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