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World News February 21, 2024

Objection to cease-fire in Gaza equals license to kill: Chinese envoy

China expressed strong disappointment and dissatisfaction with the United States’ veto of a UN Security Council draft resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza. The resolution, put forward by Algeria on behalf of Arab states, received 13 votes in favor among the 15 Security Council members, with Britain abstaining. China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, criticized the U.S. veto, stating that objecting to a cease-fire is akin to approving the ongoing violence. He argued that the Security Council had overwhelming consensus on the issue, but the U.S. veto stifled it. Zhang emphasized that the U.S. claim of interference with diplomatic efforts is untenable, and the failure to secure an immediate cease-fire allows the continuation of violence. He urged the Security Council to fulfill its moral, legal, and political responsibilities to stop the conflict, emphasizing the risk of a wider war in the Middle East. China called on Israel to heed international calls, cease its plans for a Rafah offensive, and end the collective punishment of the Palestinian people. Zhang urged influential countries to be impartial and responsible in pushing for a Gaza cease-fire and called for diplomatic efforts to bring peace to the region.

Source – CGTN

Photo Credit – China Daily

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