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World News May 28, 2024

NASA mission identifies volcanic eruptions on Venus

Scientists have used data from NASA’s Magellan mission to identify two volcanoes that erupted on Venus in the early 1990s. The Magellan mission, managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, mapped 98 percent of Venus’ surface from 1990 to 1992, providing the most detailed images of Venus to date. This discovery builds on a previous finding in 2023, where images from Magellan’s radar revealed changes to a vent associated with the volcano Maat Mons, indicating a recent volcanic eruption. By comparing radar images over time, researchers observed changes caused by molten rock filling the vent’s crater and spilling down its slopes. Launched in 1989, Magellan was the first spacecraft to capture images of Venus’ entire surface and made several discoveries about the planet before burning up in its atmosphere in 1994. Studying active volcanoes on Venus helps scientists understand planetary evolution and habitability. The discovery of recent volcanism on Venus provides insights into its history and why it evolved differently from Earth.

Source – CGTN

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