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World News August 5, 2024

Intense heat waves continue in Japan, South Korea

Japan and South Korea are both experiencing extreme heat waves, with temperatures nearing or exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. In Japan, Kyushu saw temperatures approach 40 degrees, while other regions like Fukuoka, Saga, and Kumamoto expected highs of 38-39 degrees Celsius. Tokyo reached 35 degrees, its first extreme heat day in four days, and Nagoya experienced its 11th consecutive day of 37 degrees. A heatstroke alert was issued in 37 prefectures, with the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) reaching the highest risk level in most parts of the country. Authorities advised residents to stay indoors and take precautions against heatstroke.

In South Korea, temperatures exceeded 40 degrees for the first time since 2018, with the heat wave expected to continue for the next 10 days. The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency reported a sharp increase in heat-related illnesses, with 154 new cases on Saturday and 386 cases from Monday to Friday. The heat has also significantly impacted livestock, with over 250,000 animal deaths reported. Both countries are facing severe challenges due to the relentless heat.

Source -CGTN

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