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World News May 29, 2024

China, Equatorial Guinea vow closer exchanges, cooperation for more dynamic ties

On Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo announced the elevation of their bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation during a meeting in Beijing. Xi emphasized the importance of this relationship and expressed China’s readiness to deepen exchanges and share experiences in reform, development, and poverty alleviation.

China has significantly contributed to Equatorial Guinea’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges, ports, airports, power stations, and telecommunications. Since 1971, China has also sent 33 medical teams to Equatorial Guinea, treating over a million patients. Notable projects include the Djibloho Hydropower Plant, which meets about 90% of the country’s continental electricity needs.

Equatorial Guinea has reciprocated with support, including the donation of a primary school in Yunnan Province, China. Xi and Obiang discussed further cooperation in medicine, health, education, and culture to strengthen their traditional friendship and benefit their peoples.

The cooperation between China and Equatorial Guinea is framed within broader China-Africa initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Recent projects include the China-Equatorial Guinea Friendship Hospital and the new terminal at Malabo International Airport, which enhance medical services and regional connectivity, respectively.

President Obiang praised China’s support for African development, highlighting the effectiveness of China’s initiatives compared to former colonial powers. Both leaders reiterated their commitment to strengthening solidarity and cooperation among developing countries.

Source – CGTN

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