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World News April 22, 2024

China, Cambodia jointly arrest gambling, scam suspects

Two police-chartered civilian flights landed at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport, bringing back 135 gambling and scam suspects from Cambodia. Chinese and Cambodian police have been collaborating to combat cross-border crimes like gambling and telecom scams, resulting in the repatriation of over 680 Chinese suspects from Cambodia. This year, China’s public security agencies have extradited tens of thousands of suspects involved in such crimes from countries including Myanmar, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates. Recent joint operations between Chinese and Cambodian authorities led to the arrest of more suspects, with several chartered flights repatriating them to China since April 12. The Ministry of Public Security has instructed Hubei Province’s public security agencies to conduct thorough investigations into these incidents, dealing a significant blow to overseas criminal groups targeting China.

Source – CGTN


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