A devastating fire in a high-rise building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, claimed at least 43 lives and left dozens injured. The fire engulfed the seven-story “Green Cozy Cottage Shopping Mall” on Thursday night. Health Minister Samanta Lal Sen confirmed the deaths, with 33 bodies brought to Dhaka Medical College Hospital and 10 to the Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery. Approximately 75 people, including 42 unconscious individuals, were rescued, and around 12 firefighting units worked to extinguish the flames by 11:30 p.m. The building housed a restaurant, outlet, and various shops. The cause of the fire remains unknown, but officials speculate it could be linked to a gas leak or stove. Densely populated Dhaka frequently experiences fires due to inadequate safety measures in new buildings and issues like faulty gas cylinders and electrical wiring. The death toll is expected to rise, according to a fire official.
Source – CGTN