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World News August 11, 2023

At least 36 people dead in Hawaii wildfires

Wildfires in Maui County, Hawaii, driven by strong winds from Hurricane Dora, have led to a death toll of 36 people, according to a county press release. The fires caught the island of Maui off guard, resulting in the destruction of buildings, vehicles, and historic structures. The active Lahaina fire is still being fought by firefighting teams.

Over 271 structures have been damaged or destroyed, causing dozens of injuries. Evacuation efforts have been significant, with more than 11,000 people flown out of Maui and thousands seeking refuge in evacuation centers and airports. Hurricane Dora’s strong winds contributed to the fire’s intensity. Power outages affected around 14,500 customers, hindering communication in affected areas. Hawaii’s wildfires typically occur in grasslands on the dry sides of the islands and are generally smaller than mainland fires. Notably, this incident differs from the fires that occurred on the Big Island in 2021.

Source : CGTN

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