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Tech January 30, 2024

AI companies will need to start reporting their safety tests to the U.S. government

The Biden administration is set to implement a new requirement for developers of major artificial intelligence (AI) systems, mandating disclosure of safety test results to the government. This move is part of the executive order signed by President Joe Biden three months ago, and it aims to ensure the safety of AI systems before their public release. Under the Defense Production Act, AI companies are now required to share essential information, including safety tests, with the Commerce Department. While software companies have committed to specific categories for safety tests, there is currently no common standard. The National Institute of Standards and Technology will develop a uniform framework for assessing safety. AI has become a significant economic and national security consideration for the federal government, prompting efforts to collaborate on legislation and rules with other countries and the European Union. The Commerce Department has drafted rules for U.S. cloud companies providing servers to foreign AI developers, and federal agencies have conducted risk assessments for AI’s use in critical national infrastructure. The government is also expanding the hiring of AI experts and data scientists in federal agencies to ensure effective regulation of the transformative technology.

Source – CGTN

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